Wingin' It 4-H Club meets

The Wingin' It Poultry 4-H Club met April 8, 2024 at 5:30 at the Gilliam County Fairgrounds.

Leader Aubrey Gibson stated that the remodel for the 4-H building will start in June. We will be relocating our meeting location in the future. She has also reached out to a new processor for processing our fair turkeys and chickens.

The Small Animal Clinic will be held at the Gilliam County Fairgrounds on April 19th. Spring Classic will be held April 27th at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds. Leader Aubrey Gibson will be taking some members to watch the Quiz Bowl.

We then watched a video on how to process a whole chicken, talked about and identified the different parts of a chicken carcass, and evaluated chicken carcasses.

The next meeting will be held May 13, 2024 at 5:30 at the Gilliam County Fairgrounds.

I will leave you with another fowl piece of trivia: The longest turkey wattle ever recorded is 11.75 inches. Since birds can't sweat, wattles are used to help keep turkeys cool and can change colors from red to blue.


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