Letter to the Editor: Debbie Radie

To the Editor:

With the May primary election fast approaching, we as voters have the opportunity to elect a leader who will bring fiscal responsibility and business-friendly policies to Oregon politics. That is why I am supporting Dave Drotzmann for state senator.

Everyday expenses like groceries, medication, and housing are concerns for all Oregonians. We need leaders in Salem who will hold our government accountable for every dollar that is received and spent.

During his time as Hermiston mayor, Dave has overseen investments to grow the city’s economy, those investments have produced more family-wage jobs for citizens to thrive.

Dave shows up and is capable and ready to tackle tough challenges. He brings with him an attitude of working together, listening and a genuine curiosity for those things that he would like to know more about.

The region we live in, and that Dave will represent, can be a challenge given our population and the special needs that we face. Dave understands this and is willing to put in the time and energy to ensure the voices of our region are heard in Salem.

Dave and I have visited on several occasions, and I have asked some tough questions. Dave, I have decided that he is the best candidate for this position. The people in our community that I respect and admire for their leadership and working together on challenging issues are on the list of Dave’s supporters as well.

Debbie Radie, Boardman


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