Letter to the Editor:

I am a candidate for Gilliam County Judge. I bring 37 years public service and administrative experience, and 21 years judicial experience having adjudicated approximately 60,000 cases. I have been elected four times previously, so elections are nothing new to me. I consider an election the ultimate job interview before you the people, and if elected I will be working for and accountable to you.

Like you, I care deeply for Gilliam County, its communities, and its people. We all want the best for Gilliam County. I care about childcare, housing, fiber, community services and finishing Gilliam County’s existing projects. I believe we must put infrastructure in place for future growth. I will advocate for business development, both large and small, with input from you the public. With all that is to be done, we must carefully manage our public funds and be fiscally responsible, so I keep this balance in mind. I care about relationships with government agencies and other entities. I care about making the Gilliam County Courthouse a pleasant and productive environment so that essential and chosen services may be delivered effectively to the public. I care about and support our elected officials. If elected, I plan to hold visioning sessions and strategic planning meetings involving you, so please think of what you want for your County. Leaders make the best decisions when they carefully evaluate all sides of an issue from different points of view to reach a conclusion, considering the community, the budget, staff and impact to stakeholders as well as impact to Gilliam County, so this is how I plan to approach decision-making.

I have roots on both ends of the County, and I understand both communities. I have utilized childcare, preschool, school systems, and have worked in both the communities of Arlington and Condon. I understand all of Gilliam County.

I support the other candidates who have filed for County Judge. It is not for the faint of heart to put your name out for election. Choices in elections are a good thing. Our system of government allows you to select who you believe brings the proper tools to best fill the position of Gilliam County Judge. My promise to myself and to you, is that I will campaign in a professional manner, discussing my credentials and ideas and hearing your ideas. During my campaign, I will be showing you how I will lead. I am prepared to effectively work with whoever is elected to work alongside me, and would not have run for office if I felt otherwise.

I support those who advocated to keep our current government structure unchanged at this point in time, however I am not involved in any political organization due to my current judicial role. If a change in government structure is to be considered, let’s do so carefully, if the voters ask for such change.

I ask that you exercise your right to vote in selecting your leaders, remembering that my voice will be your voice locally and at the state level, and if elected, that I work for you, the people of Gilliam County.

Looking Forward to Serving You,

Cris Patnode, Arlington


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