1. Approximately 15 employees have quit/resigned, retired/retired early, had 40 hr. with benefits positions cut to 15 hr. no benefits, found new jobs, and/or are currently looking for new jobs. Per Commissioner Shannon, this is a Crisis. This is a Crisis of their own making. Why has it taken 5 years for them to address this?

2. Frontier Justice openly published the legal opinion of a highly respected Counsel. Why is the Court denying the public the same transparency?

3. Judge Campbell stated in open public meeting she would be in Salem working on Early Childhood Development. What came out of her concerted effort was an amendment to try to legitimize her illegal order passed by our County Court.

4. The Bill amendment was an anti-voter power grab by Gilliam County and ally Harney County. The other four Counties were unknowingly caught up in this whirlwind. It gave the following power to 3 court members:

1. Power to remove judicial duties

2. Power to eliminate county court JUDGE as an elected position

3. Power to install a Board of Commissioners, All without the vote/voice of the people

5. The deception was their claim that the Counties would have more ability to self-govern. They never once mentioned they had already passed Order 2023-01 (illegal) while lobbying to get an amendment attached to Bill 1576: a little CYA. It was actually a huge surprise to the other 4 counties (their Courts). It is deceptive to put 4 counties in the same position you want to be in via amendment without their support or knowledge. That is why these 4 county Courts unanimously lobbied to strike -9.

6. I covered the "deceptive “part in my answer to No.5. I will further expand on my reasoning here. Order 2023-01 was passed on the back of a forged ORS 111.115 fraudulently presented by the County Court who perjured themselves by telling the voter's they had legal counsel to back the illegal order. Then in testimony before the Senate Judiciary committee (Liz) admitted that the Court needed the -4 amendment so the Court could legally give probate to the Circuit Court. The 48,898 number is the population of the 5 other effected counties taken from "21" census. The agenda of our County Court has been stated in public meetings and on social media and in individual conversations. They want 3 Commissioners and no judicial judge.

8. Secretive scheme has been vetted and addressed in my previous explanations. In fact, all the points of No. 8 have been covered in previous answers. The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Floyd Prozanski in his recommendation to strike -9 said he thought the effected Counties would have other remedies such as referendum or other means when he found that -9 took the vote from the people and gave it to 3 county elected officials. He said words to the effect, I can't support an amendment that takes the people's vote away and gives them no recourse. Vice Chair Thatcher agreed with him.

— Lenn Ball, Arlington


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