To the Editor,

County in Crisis.

Gilliam County Court has publicly acknowledged we are in crisis. The discord, discontent, divisiveness throughout the halls and offices of Gilliam County are palpable. Folks have been jumping and pushed overboard at an alarming rate. Services to county residents have been curtailed, delayed, diminished. Whether this crisis was inherited or caused by the current County Court is of little importance. What's important is that the current Court roll up its sleeves, address head-on, and fix the situation. However, I see little evidence of the Court's interest in getting us back on track. Rather, what I've witnessed is their apparent attempts to divert the public's attention away from the crisis by:

First, the abrupt and contentious permanent (irrevocable) transfer of our long held Juvenile jurisdiction to Circuit Court. And, without a word of discussion, in the same (apparently illegal) order also transferring Probate jurisdiction. Then, attempts to abolish our County Judge position in favor of a part time three-member Commission and plans to hire a highly paid executive. More recently and probably due to the legal cloud over their previous order, the County Court has modified their plan by reducing our Judge position to part time and beginning the process of hiring a highly paid executive.

All of this shuffle (added turmoil, if you will) before 2025 when a new County Court with one and possibly two new members is seated makes no sense. Gilliam County Court needs to face and fix the crisis now. No more smoke and mirrors. No more kicking the can down the road.

—Denny Newell, Blalock


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